Event box

Escape Room: Wild About Reading

Can you work as a team with other kids to find clues, unlock the box, and escape the room? 

This month's Escape Room: WILD ABOUT READING!

"Oh no! You were so absorbed in the book you were reading, THE WILD ROBOT that your boat crashed on the shore and you have become stranded on this deserted island, just like the Robot in the  book!  Your boat is smashed and is mixed with all the other debris that the tide washed ashore. Can you find everything you need to be rescued?"

For children grades 3-6. Registration required through our online calendar. Participants must arrive on time or must wait to be admitted to the room. Parents and siblings will be asked to wait outside the room. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018
3:00pm - 4:00pm
  School Age Children  
Registration has closed.