Event box

In honor of Memorial Day we are showing movies with a military theme in May.

A restless Navy officer (Henry Fonda, reprising his Broadway role) aboard a rust-bucket World War II cargo ship butts heads with his martinet captain (James Cagney) in this Best Picture nominee that garnered Jack Lemmon an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, and marked the final film appearance of William Powell. A sequel, "Ensign Pulver," was released in 1964, with Robert Walker Jr. as the title character played by Lemmon in the original.


Henry Fonda, James Cagney, Jack Lemmon, William Powell, Ward Bond

Rated PG   Runtime:2 hr.

(Summary and license by Swank Movie Licensing)

Friday, May 26, 2023
2:00pm - 4:00pm
  Adults     Movie