Event box

The Harriet Tubman Living History Experience

TICKETED EVENT.  Register and buy tickets at https://HarrietTubmanExperience.eventbrite.com or in-person at the Information Desk.  Cost: $7.00

On the occasion of the Juneteenth holiday, actor Millicent Sparks brings history alive with her portrayal of freedom fighter and American hero, Harriet Tubman. The Harriet Tubman Living History Experience focuses on the life and times of this heroic icon, who demonstrated an unyielding and fearless resolve to obtain liberty and social justice for herself and others. Ms. Sparks concludes her portrayals by answering questions from the audience in character as Harriet Tubman.

Living history performances have a unique capacity to open windows onto the past. They not only enable audiences to better reconstruct and interpret the past, but they also often demonstrate how this past has become part of the historical memory. Ms. Sparks has portrayed Harriet Tubman throughout the region for schools, churches, colleges, senior centers, museums, women’s shelters, corporations, prisons, state and local government agencies, community groups and special events.

Saturday, June 24, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Large Meeting Room
  Adults     Special Performers     Teens