Event box

Join us for a monthly winter series of Tai Chi with teacher Arlette Twersky! Class will be taught on the second Monday of the month for January, February, and March.

Registration is required. You have to register separately for each month. 

The dates and times are: 

  • Monday, January 8 @ 6:30pm 
  • Monday, February 12 @ 6:30pm 
  • Monday, March 11 @ 6:30pm 

The switch to monthly was made as an experiment to assess whether we can continue to offer Tai Chi throughout the year by supplementing our program funding with donations from patrons. The class is still meant to be accessible to ALL, but if any are able and willing to donate any amount when you come, it would be a great help as our current adult program budget does not have enough money for a weekly exercise program. With uncertainties with the winter - weather, darker earlier, people getting sick more...we are testing this by offering just one program a month, so the financial risk is not too great. If it proves successful, we may be able to go back to a weekly class offering in the spring. Please help support us if you love this class! 

Questions? Contact Chryssi at guminac@buckslib.org or 215-355-1183, ext. 104 

Monday, March 11, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Registration has closed.