Event box

Community Read Story Time

** Due to the excessive heat forcast, this story time will be held inside in our Large Community Room**

Miss Ann will read “The Secret Garden” based on the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnette and adapted by Calista Brill, on the Warminster Library’s front lawn Large Meeting Room as part of the Longwood Gardens Community Read program. We'll also have a few Longwood Gardens tickets to raffle off! 

This program is intended for ages 3-6, but all ages are welcome. Registration is not required for the story time portion of this program; however, if you intend to stay for the Fairy Garden Make & Take please register for that activity as we only have a finite amount of materials. 

In case of rain, this event will take place in our large meeting room. The craft event afterwards will be held in our large community room. 

Registration: NOT required for the Story Time. 

**Special Note: If you plan to participate in the Make & Take craft afterward registration is required!


Friday, June 21, 2024
11:00am - 11:30am
Large Meeting Room
  Pre-K Storytime