Cook the Book: Casual Summer Meals
Event box

Join us for Cook the Book: Casual Summer Meals, when we'll explore recipes from the Library's collection. This is a great opportunity for cooks of all ages, skill levels and interests to share their love of cooking while trying new recipes from the library’s cookbook collection.
Step 1: Register in-person, online at, or by calling 215.788.7891
Step 2: Visit the Grundy Library and choose a recipe from among the four cookbooks selected for the discussion. You'll get a copy of your recipe and we'll keep a copy on-hand to avoid duplication.
Step 3: Lastly, make your recipe and bring it to the meeting.
While sampling and tasting the various foods, we will discuss techniques and any substitutions used in making the recipe. The Library provides the plates, napkins & utensils, though feel free to bring your own place setting, eating utensils, and napkin from home. Pre-registration is required.
* Please note that this program involves food and/or drinks prepared for and by the participants and, therefore, attendees choosing to partake of the food and/or drink available during the event do so at their own risk.
This program is offered by Margaret R. Grundy Memorial Library in support of the PA Forward | Pennsylvania Libraries initiative. Libraries are key to powering progress and elevating the quality of life in PA by fueling the types of knowledge essential to success: Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic and Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy.
#PAForward #HealthLiteracy #FinancialLiteracy