Event box

George and Martha Washington: A Love Story

George and Martha Washington: A Love Story

Featuring Curt Radabaugh as General Washington and Alisa Dupuy as Lady Washington

America will soon be celebrating her semi quincentennial- 250 years! For those of us who remember the 1976 Bicentennial, we know we can look forward to a fun-filled patriotic year in 2026. Over the course of these past 50 years, America has come a long way and now understands how to recognize the contributions of ALL those who participated in America’s cause, including women, Blacks, and Native Americans in addition to the Founding Fathers. And we would like you to get to know George and Martha Washington as real people living in a very different time.

However, at the start of the American Revolution, they were in their 40s, a vibrant couple in middle age. They lived and loved and had their joys as well as their trials. George and Martha had a strong and loving relationship; their marriage lasted over 40 years. Observers of the couple noted that she “was mad about him”, they were “excessive fond of one another” and that their relationship was “one of tenderness and respect”. This presentation seeks to educate people about this important couple as well as the people who surrounded them and helped them achieve all that they did. Hear from them about how they met, about their marriage, their families, their responsibilities and, of course, about their love. It is educational, emotional and romantic.

Monday March 31, 2025


Village Library of Wrightstown

Community Room

To register, please visit: www.buckslib.org and then click on Events and Village Library of Wrightstown. Find the event you are interested in on the calendar and click on it. You will then be prompted to complete the registration for the library. Any questions please email freedmank@buckslib.org

Monday, March 31, 2025
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Community Room

Registration is required. There are 34 seats available.