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Virtual Home Series: Home Buying Process from A to Z

We are going virtual on the below program! Register here to recieve a link to this virtual program. For questions, email Adult Services Librarian, Hether Lipinski, at lipinskih@buckslib.org

Buyers: Home buying process: A to Z

Buying a home can sound like a complicated, expensive, stressful and impossible venture.  It does not have to be this way!  The mission of this workshop is the break down the process into smaller, realistic steps, and help you understand what’s involved, how to put an action plan together and provide you with actionable tips and steps to get you excited about the prospect of American Dream coming true: owning your own home!

In this workshop you will learn about: The home buying process from start to finish.  (Costs, process, timeframe, what to expect). Understanding why and how your credit is important. Various financing programs available. Determining if buying a home is right for you (and when is the right time). Finding the incentives and grants for first time home buyers. The current real estate market and how it may affect your home buying experience. How you can own a home and pay less than renting. Opportunity for Question and Answer time.

Saturday, May 30, 2020
11:00am - 12:00pm