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Slow Flow Yoga with Carol and Cindy (Virtual Program)

Presenter: Carol and Cindy from Airmid Wellness and Counseling Center

This program is being held weekly and will be virtual via GoToMeeting. To access the class, go to https://airmidwellness.com/free_online_classes/

For questions, email Adult Services Librarian, Heather Lipinski lipinskih@buckslib.org.

Get in shape or stay in shape with this low-impact slow pace exercise. In this class you will experience a more active flow of basic yoga poses while guided with proper alignment. Beginners can easily start experiencing the amazing benefits of a yoga practice and intermediate students can grow their practice by learning new poses.

You’ll gradually warm up muscles, joints and connective tissue, stimulating fresh blood and oxygen into better circulation. Keeping the body in motion helps to build cardiovascular endurance and elevates the immune system. Slower Movements help to maintain strength and reinforce stamina along with other physical, mental, and emotional health benefits.  Learn to link movement and breath which aids in better concentration and encourages the practice of mindfulness or staying in the moment.  Guided imagery is often presented which can counteract anxiety and uncertainty and help overcome stress, anger, pain, depression and insomnia.

Class always includes modifications and support as needed as you continue to learn and explore new yoga poses. As in all classes, you are encouraged to listen to your body and move at your own pace. Props such as blocks, blankets or straps may be used as desired.  If you ever find yourself in any position that feels too challenging you can always choose not to do a pose.  At any time if you feel uncomfortable, you are welcome to rest or modify the poses to fit your own comfort and fitness level.

You can begin at a pace that is right for you, and use props for support as needed. You’ll love slow flow yoga for the youthful experience it brings. Class ends with a restorative asana. You will feel energized, rested and emotionally and physically balanced.

Saturday, July 18, 2020 Show more dates
9:00am - 10:00am
  Adults     Teens