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Mindfulness: A Balanced Introduction

Presented by Pierce Salguero, Ph.D.

The past few decades have seen the emergence of the “Mindfulness Revolution” in mainstream American popular culture. Hospitals, prisons, daycare centers, college campuses … mindfulness meditation is seemingly everywhere these days. In fact, since the inception of Buddhism nearly 2500 years ago, Buddhists have understood various facets of their tradition to be sources of health and healing. But how established are the links between meditation and physical health? Dr. Salguero will give an overview of the history, contemporary practice, and academic study of mindfulness meditation practice. He will situate the contemporary focus on the health benefits of meditation within the global history of Buddhism and medicine, and will outline the many rich and complex Buddhist approaches to healing that have been (and still are) used globally, and will suggest directions for further humanistic and clinical research beyond meditation. We will practice a few minutes of guided mindfulness meditation each session.

This program is a 5 week series. Register here to receive the Zoom link: https://calendar.buckslib.org/event/8609185

For questions or assistance, contact Adult Services Librarian Heather Lipinski at lipinksih@buckslib.org

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 Show more dates
6:00pm - 7:00pm